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Unexpected 48

The weekend just been was that of the 48hr Film Competition. I’ve participated in this several times as an active member of Jenni’s Angels, a team originally formed by Jenni. Anyhoo, what with Sweets being a toddler and Beau frantically studying for an exam, I wasn’t as free to participate as much as I would like this year. However, I did my best to clear Saturday in case they got Musical/Dance and needed my happy feet and confident vocals.

Friday night came and Sweets was out of wack due to Playcentre (it makes her nap later in the day and also tires her out so she has a really big nap). I wasn’t going to be able to get to the group brainstorm until well after 8.30pm. By this time I had found out their genre (Road Trip) and knew they weren’t going to need me. Not only that but the writers were already off, so brainstorm was over before I could have arrived. I decided to stay at home and chill with Beau instead.

Saturday came and it was my Mum’s birthday. She was planning to go to temple and was keen for me to come. I was keen too! If I’d been cast the plan was for Mum to go on her own and then come to ours to fetch Sweets. Beau would have been in charge of Sweets during the morning. As it was Sweets and I went to temple with Mum and it was really good.

When we got home, Beau told me to check my cell and that wyldcard had been trying to reach me. There was a role for me in his team (Red2 Productions)! Sweets and Mum both went down for a nap. I gathered various potential outfits (apparently I was to play a wedding mad girlfriend) and headed to the shoot.

The shoot was fun. It was smaller than Jenni’s Angels shoots typically are, but it was upbeat and pretty well organised. They’d had a bit of an issue with an actor pulling out (hence me joining after midday on Sat), but had soldiered on and it worked out with me in the end. I did a pretty solid job with the acting, but I’m most proud of some of the stuff I did “backstage”. Basically my attitude when not “busy” was What can I do to help out? What can I do that frees up those with more important jobs (eg wyldcard and Jarratt).

Things I did:
I made the Yeti sandwich!
I began to make coffee, but then delegated to wyldcard’s dad 😉
I foresaw a problem with shoot order and outside lighting (namely that we had to shoot an outdoor scene while it was still daytime) and also came up with the solution (do my bedroom scene later, do outdoor scene now).
I dropped off lead actor to his job while another scene was being filmed. Wyldcard was going to do this! He’s director?!!
When there was a discussion of going into town to film a scene and then back into Hutt later in the evening to do another, I pointed out that we could do both in town saving travel and set up time.
I girlied up wyldcard’s room (Jarratt later told me I was good at set dressing, which is probably one of the nicest and most unexpected compliments I’ve had in ages).
I bought pretzels and set out glasses for poker.
I went on a coffee run.
I was She Who Solved Problems 🙂

I also realised that I’m getting typecast. In all the short films I’ve been in recently, if I get a speaking role, I also get filmed sleeping, unconscious or dead… Hmmm.

Point of Fashion: sensible and warm
Current Obsession: 48 films. Want to see them!!!

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