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Creepy crawler (7 months)

So, Mowgli can now commando crawl. She started doing it a bit over a week ago, after a couple of months of rolling being her main method of moving around. I took a video of her a couple of days after she started and I’m sooo glad I did. In the beginning she sort of […]

Sweet Pea

Recently, Sweets has decided that her middle name is a term of endearment. We’ve always called her both names as it sounds sweet. But now she has started to use it back on us! ie if Pea was her middle name, she will say something like: “Mama Giffy, don’t forget Mowgli Pea!” or “Mowgli Pea […]

6 month celebrations

Mogle’s 6 monthaversary coincided with Te Papa events featuring both her Yai and her Kuia! My Mum was involved in the celebration of the Thai Queen’s Birthday aka Thai Mother’s Day, which the local Thai Community group and Embassy decided to celebrate with a traditional Thai Wedding. 9 couples were involved, they had the grooms […]

5 months and 2 1/2 years

I have thought so, so many times in the last few months that I must blog about the girls. But life is just so busy that I don’t. Also, facebook, it’s so insidiuous at using up internet time. I’ll go on for just one second and an hour later. Sigh. Anyway, this may be rambling […]

39 weeks and all is well.

So, I meant to write this last week. I’ve meant to write sooo many times since Sweets turned two. Anyway, lazy me, here is something I posted to FB a couple of weeks ago: ” Not long to go for me with current pregnancy and Beau has been remarking how strange it is that I’m […]

Lead up to Christmas

I find Christmas stressful. Have for ages. Mostly because I feel there are a lot of expectations around it, mine as well as others. There is a “thing” in my family about me being terrible to gift for as if I don’t like a gift, I can’t hide it. I seriously don’t like useless gifts. […]

So close to 2 ( and well in 3rd trimester)

Sweets continues to amaze and delight (as well as drive me to hair pulling and frustration, but you know). This morning she had an imaginary friend! Mei from My Neighbour Totoro (Sweets’ favourite movie). She’s been into playing with her dolls etc for ages, feeding them and putting them to bed and taking them to […]

One and 3/4 and also 23 weeks

So, where have I been these last few months? There was over a month of illness. Sweets, Beau and I were all sick at various times with various degrees of sickness. Sweets had a fever at one stage that left her all lethargic, all she wanted to do was “Cuddle Mummy” and drink nom and […]

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Awesome 17 month old

Sweets turned 17 months a few days ago and she is just so sweet and funny and awesome right now. You know, objectively speaking 😉 Here are some reasons I think so. Communication: She is talking more and really trying to get thoughts across. She’s finally started to use animal types rather than just their […]

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Unexpected 48

The weekend just been was that of the 48hr Film Competition. I’ve participated in this several times as an active member of Jenni’s Angels, a team originally formed by Jenni. Anyhoo, what with Sweets being a toddler and Beau frantically studying for an exam, I wasn’t as free to participate as much as I would […]