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{ Tag Archives } Sweets

One and 3/4 and also 23 weeks

So, where have I been these last few months? There was over a month of illness. Sweets, Beau and I were all sick at various times with various degrees of sickness. Sweets had a fever at one stage that left her all lethargic, all she wanted to do was “Cuddle Mummy” and drink nom and […]

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Awesome 17 month old

Sweets turned 17 months a few days ago and she is just so sweet and funny and awesome right now. You know, objectively speaking 😉 Here are some reasons I think so. Communication: She is talking more and really trying to get thoughts across. She’s finally started to use animal types rather than just their […]

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Sweet 16 months

Sweets is kinda going through a gorgeous phase. She is a playful, affectionate and generally happy wee thing. Examples, one night she woke up needing to go to the toilet. I picked her up and took her there. She did her business, told me she’d finished (she says “ishish” and does her baby sign) and […]

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The teenage months

So, people talk about the terrible twos, what they don’t tell you, is that they start when they are one. Yup, you have this gorgeous biddable baby who turns into a toddler who has her own mind and gets frustrated as her desires outpace her abilities. Throw in the fact that she still isn’t sleeping […]

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So, I have a one year old and like all normal one year olds, she is amazing. This morning I woke up (Beau was letting me sleep in) to the sound of her hooting. Sweets is really into making animal noises, she barks for dogs, aiows for cats, hisses for snakes, clip clops for horses, […]

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