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One and 3/4 and also 23 weeks

So, where have I been these last few months? There was over a month of illness. Sweets, Beau and I were all sick at various times with various degrees of sickness. Sweets had a fever at one stage that left her all lethargic, all she wanted to do was “Cuddle Mummy” and drink nom and […]

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Wait… I have a 10 month old?

Sweets (aka Grumplestiltskin, the wiggler, Gumbersen, lovely bubbly, the Terror, curious George, cute pea) continues to change and amaze and is going through a freaking adorable stage (no bias of course). She does so much stuff now, it’s crazy. Please exuse me as I record and gush over her… She loves clapping and claps along […]

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Toileting the Baby

So, I’d heard about “Elimination Communication“, but I thought it sounded like too much work. My idea of it was people not using nappys at all. Apparently this is possible. However, the thought of trying to get the energy to deal with all that and a newborn… *shudder*. However, when Sweets was 6 months old, […]

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Almost 6 months!

Ok, so I didn’t want this blog to be all about my baby and life as a SAHM, but that’s what I’m busy with all day, so, Oh well. Sweets (aka Scratchums MacClaw aka Wriggle Bum Biggle Bum) is turning 6months next week. She continues to thrive and delight. She’s doing more *things* now, which […]

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Unbeatable on a good day

Today, Beau, Sweets and I had lunch with my Mum and then we walked along Oriental Parade in the sunshine and got gelato. So good. So happy to be where I am 🙂 Sweets (aka Bubba Goose aka Mama’s little baby aka Spillsa) continues to grow and thrive. She is 10 weeks old and really […]

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Immunisations are Traumatic

My baby, Sweets, (aka sweet pea, little pea, squeaky pea, chubby cheekums, Cheekums McGee, the chombilator) is now 6 and a half weeks old and in NZ if you believe in immunisations, you get your baby immunised at 6 weeks. So off to the Doctors we went. Both of us got a clean bill of […]

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A wealth of friends, an embarrassment of gifts

Our Sweets is now a little over a month old and still continues to delight us. She’s a good girl who eats and sleeps and plays. Not much more you can ask for in an under 6 week old (she also wees and poos, but that isn’t really interesting unless you are a parent). We’ve […]

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Overdue and now Overjoyed

So, our Sweets was born 8 days late… and is a girl 🙂 I had a pretty quick straightforward labour with no medical pain management, but after pushing for over 2 hours ended up having an epidural and episiotomy so that they could use forceps to ease her out. Sweets is a big girl and […]

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False Alarm, False Alarm

So, I had plans for this weekend, plans involving gardening, tidying the nursery, crafting. I didn’t manage any of that (accept for a tiny amount of ironing for crafting). I did manage a bunch of other stuff though! On Saturday, I had a midwife appointment and I was displaying some of the symptoms of pre-eclampsia, […]

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36 + 1

I’m going to have to stop being lazy and using weeks and days of pregnancy as a title. Partly because it implies a countdown, something which mentally is not a great thing for me to do, since the likelihood of Sweets being born on EDD is *low*. I can do better with titles, I’m sure. […]

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